Transitional Pleats

Location – Art District, Los Angeles

Runway Details – SmoochtheLabel Crochet Top, Lucy Paris Skirt, Guess Marciano Shoes

Life has been nothing but chaotic for the past two months (Work, more Work, Vacation and BOY). Finally, I got myself situated on a sick day, drinking my chicken soup and updating my blog. Although this post is long overdue, the warm SoCal weather just started cooling off for the past week, so just in time for this versatile piece of gem -  pleat skirt.

Pleat skirt is definitely one of the most flattering silhouettes of all time. I personally have stocked up quiet a few different versions over the years, but midi length by far is still my favorite. I usually wear it with crop top or sweater and pumps for a polished look on the weekend. A little tip here, pleats can create unnecessary volume for your lower body and waist. It hides all your curves, so I would suggest to cinch at the waist with a skinny belt for a little slimming effect. A good way to bring pleats into the fall/winter season is to choose leather or wool fabrication finish, elegant yet fashion forward. For all of you who follows my blog knows how much I love my midi AND my nude pump. Unfortunately, just last week, I completely killed my nude pump by accident, so now I am desperately in need of a new pair. If anyone has any recommendation for the perfect nude pump, please share! Only one more day until the weekend, stay strong my girlies. Photoshoot this weekend, I can't wait to share with you my fall looks! 

雪儿终于出现了, 大家想我了没? 实在是不好意思, 这两个月雪儿头大, 头大, 头很大! 最近换工作了, 天天加班。 也正是因为加班累倒了才有时间更新blog。雪儿不久前回国了两个礼拜, 玩的实在是太嗨了, 不想回来, 哈哈。 在韩国的时候也败了不少韩货回来和大家分享哦, 拭目以待!

相信每个女生的衣橱中都有那么一条百褶裙。最近LA才开始降温, 所以还是可以把百褶裙穿的美美嗒。雪儿大爱优雅知性的中长款。 因为 “百褶”的膨胀感容易让腹部放大一圈,所以我会建议大家穿短款的T血衫或毛衣。 最简单的办法就是搭配一条皮带, 可以带来瘦腰的效果. 如果是秋冬搭配, 可以选择一条皮革或针织的百褶裙搭配宽松的粗线条毛衣, 让你穿出美感与时髦来。 雪儿自己还有一条金属色的百褶裙 (等下次和大家分享),加入金属色,使老套的百褶裙立刻摆脱陈旧和粘腻感。 这个秋冬大家想好怎么穿了吗? 雪儿仿佛又“好久”没有添置新衣了, 哈哈。 说到添置新衣,我最近把我心爱的裸色高跟鞋给穿坏了。大家有推荐的裸色美鞋吗? 快快和我分享哦!这周末恢复正常, 又要开始拍穿搭了, 好期待这个周末又有什么新收获呢!


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