When Cargo Meets Lace
Location – Los Angeles
Runway Details – Guess Lace Top, Jbrand Cargo Pants, Rebecca Minkoff Crossbody Bag
It seems like it only takes ONE cold day to get the whole entire LA sick, including myself of course. The overworking, mental stress, lack of exercise and healthy diet really has taken a toll on my body. I gotta stay strong and overcome this!
This post is long over due, but since this weekend the temperature is back to the 80s, I thought I’d share with everyone the beauty of cargo pants. As you can tell from my previous runway looks, I am more of a dress and skirts girl. Occasionally, on an unbearable cold day (or lazy day of course), you’ll see me throwing on a pair of denim or cargo for a comfortable and casual look. When stylized right, cargo can be an easy go-to piece for the season. We can still get away with short sleeves in the forever sunshine Cali weather, so I pair the cargo pants with a lace top to give it chic and feminine touch. But for everyone else in the cold zone, try stylizing a wide brim hat and cozy thick sweater for a perfect fall/winter look. Or you can keep it simple with a striped shirt and a leather biker jacket; finish the outfit with a leopard print loafer (my favorite) makes the outfit edgy and fun.
感觉LA只要一冷起来,LA的人民就都会感冒,当然也包括我自己。 可能最近因为经常加班, 压力大, 又缺乏运动的原因, 所以身体抵抗力下降了。 雪儿必须挺住了, 一定要战胜病毒!下礼拜就是黑五了, 要战斗力满满的!
这套穿搭是好久之前拍的,一直没有时间上传。 但是这周末回温了,雪儿想跟大家一起分享怎么穿出时尚休闲的工装裤。 工装裤有着军装的帅气,也有工人装的宽松舒适。雪儿平时偏爱穿裙装, 很少驾驭裤装。 但是偶尔真的是冷到不行, 或者累到不行(就是最近的状态), 我就会选择一条简单好搭配的工装裤或牛仔裤。 因为LA永远都没有冬天, 所以在这30几度的气温里, 雪儿选择了一条蕾丝上衣做为搭配。柔美的蕾丝和帅气的工装裤可以撞出什么样的火花呢? 如果是现在住在“北极”寒冷的你, 那么不妨试试看搭配一条宽松厚实的高领毛衣, 这种搭配反而更显瘦更实穿。如果想要更帅气一些, 那么可以试着搭配一条条文T恤和黑色皮衣, 来个cool girl look。 在鞋子的搭配上, 黑色短靴, 尖头高跟鞋, 豹纹的罗浮鞋都是很好的选择。 这几天, 雪儿更新的好勤快, 快快把好看的穿搭都带给大家。 在这多变moody 的天气里,大家记得多喝水,多补充维生素啦。请期待我黑五的收获吧!
Thanks for reading <3