Crochet Romance
Location – Malibu Beach
Runway Details – Smoochthelable Dress, Tory Burch Shoes
Since last year, I have been lusting over after so many midi skirts. The lady like silhouette exudes class and elegance, totally my style. Not until recently, I decided to give midi dresses a try, midi dresses are a little tricky to wear; it’s very easy to look frumpy in them. You must pick the right length that works for you, so what is the midi golden ratio? The midi dress hemline should stop mid-calf.
The photoshoot was supposed to take place at the Greystone Mansion Park; however, we accidentally toke a big detour and ended up in Malibu instead (I really do question my navigation skills sometimes). Because we were shooting by the beach, I decided to throw on a pair of nude flats, completely by accident, but worked out to my surprise. So don’t be afraid of wearing flats with midi dresses or skirts, especially with A-line shape. It’s all about visually manipulating your body proportion, so high heels would be the safest choice here because it will definitely elongate your legs and combat the frumpy look. This crochet midi dress is a version of the original selfportrait dress, which priced at over 500 dollars retail. My version of the crochet midi dress is a lot more budget friendly, less than 100 dollars; you can look like a princess on top of the world, just absolutely jaw dropping!
过膝半裙一直都是雪儿的大爱,做为乖乖女, 这件经典单品是我本人非常爱穿的。雪儿最近也一直想挑战一下过膝半的连衣裙。 连衣裙可没有裙子那么好穿, 虽然我有168cm的身高, 但是穿不好了就变小矮人了。 所以选择对的裙摆长度很重要。 Midi 的经典长度是到小腿中部, 但是对于体型较小的女生,雪儿建议过膝就好了。
本来这次外拍选的地点是Beverly 很有名的Greystone Mansion Park, 但是因为雪儿是个百折不扣的路痴, 既然开到了Malibu 也是醉了。既然在海边拍了, 我就随便找了一双平底鞋来穿。 虽然是碰巧, 但是符合了海边的风格, 平底鞋显得随意又优雅。 如果穿过膝连衣裙, 雪儿还是建议穿高跟鞋,这样视觉上腿会变长变纤细。 最近selfportrait的裙子已经红遍了整个欧美, 他们的价格大多都在500刀左右, 贵的让人心痛。 雪儿身上这条差不多100 刀不到就可以买到了, 不管是质量和做工都不错, 让我爱不释手。 这条裙子真是每个有着公主梦女孩儿的首选哦。不知道大家的七夕过的好吗? 雪儿还是汪汪汪的过了一天,吃了一肚子的甜品, 哈哈。 做好自己才是对未来那个对的他最好的礼物!爱你们 <3
Thanks for reading!