Poncho Weather
Location – Melrose, Los Angeles
Runway Details – Zara Cape, BCBGMAXAZRIA Sweater, Alexander Wang Bootie
Happy New Year, my LOVE! I hope everyone had a great NYE, not too much hangover here. I actually spent the last few hours of 2015 sober at my favorite place on earth, Disneyland. It’s the perfect place to say goodbye to 2015, the good and bad; and embrace the beginning of 2016 that is full of endless possibilities.
Let’s start the New Year with one of the big trends this season, cape or poncho. From Burberry’s famous color block monogrammed “blanket” to boho chic fringe poncho, it’s a trend that you can’t miss out this winter. However, if not styled correctly, cape can easily be overwhelming for any body type.
If you’re just looking for a closet staple or jumping on the trend, I would suggest on choosing a neutral color cape, such as camel, black or white. If you’re a bit more daring, then red and pastel pink can add a little pop to your winter wardrobe. To avoid a wide frame, choose a longer cape that can also worn as a dress. For petite size girls, you can always resort to the one color outfit, such as all-black look. The key to stylize a cape is layering. For SoCal winter weather, you can wear your cape over shorts and tights, and finish the outfit with a pair of bootie. For more of a preppy look, you can wear a striped shirt underneath and match with denim pants or legging. Since it has been quiet cold lately, I chose a pair of ripped black denim with a gray sweater underneath for a cozy and comfortable look. The Alexander Wang Gabi balances out the oversize cape, making the outfit a little more stream-lined.
大家新年快乐啊! 希望大家新年都喝好,玩儿好, 逛好, 开开心心每一天!雪儿在Disney过完了2015 的最后几个小时,告别了2015的好与不好, 迎来了充满希望的2016! 希望2016, 对我好点儿。 It’s going to be a good year!
新年新气象,我们来说说现在红遍了的斗篷。如果把斗篷搭配好了, 及时尚又可以显瘦。 Burberry 的个性化“毛毯”已经烂大街了。雪儿曾经也心动过好几次, 只是每次试穿的时候, 都觉得自己走了乞丐风, 完全没有大腕儿的范儿。穿斗篷基本的原则就是上身宽松需搭配下半身紧身有线条。如果是第一次尝试这样的穿搭, 不妨选则比较保守的色系, 例如棕色, 黑色或白色。棕色具有复古感, 可以百搭, 这是雪儿首推色系。如果你是小女孩儿, 可以选择红色或者粉色, 俏皮可爱。 显瘦的守则就是同色系搭配, 这种穿法比较合适小型一点儿的女孩儿, 有着拉长身型的效果。 如果害怕上身蓬松感太过, 那么可以选择略微长一点的斗篷, 可以当裙子穿搭。因为LA的冬天不怎么冷, 大家可以试试搭配裤袜和工装短裤。 喜欢休闲的周末穿搭, 可以选择条文T恤搭配牛仔裤或秋裤。 雪儿在这里选择了一条黑色牛仔裤搭配灰色毛衣, 既保暖又舒服。 再配上一双Alexander Wang 的黑色短靴,把腿拉的长长嗒!