Location – Anaheim
Runway Details – Club Monaco Fur Vest (Similar), A&F Denim Shirt (Similar), Massimo Dutti Lace up Flats (Similar)
I love it when photoshoot turns into a hiking trip. I am never a big hiker myself as you can probably tell, my favorite type of shoes are sky high heels. As we explored and discovered all these perfect photo spots along the trail, I learned to appreciate more and more what’s around me. The 2 miles of hiking is definitely worth it even though my outfit was not very hiking friendly. My lace up flats definitely accelerated the calorie burning, which I am not gonna complain. I was never that into nature before. Being a city girl, I always appreciated my architectures and art. But never once I give nature a try to win me over until now. I realized when you take the time to slow down; you’ll see nature is such an amazing wonder.
Here I stylized my fur vest with basic go to denim shirt and high-waist jeans. I personally like vests that are a little longer; it makes the body look slender and less bulky, because fur can visually create volume. Whatever you decide to layer underneath, make sure it’s fitted and tight, so visually you’re not creating more volume for the eyes. Weather is getting warmer and spring is around the corner, perfect for some outdoor activities. Anyone going to hiking this weekend? I might join you!
每次拍照都会有以外的惊喜发生, 这次也不例外。 好久没有去户外活动了, 这次来爬上顺便拍个照。 雪儿本来就不怎么爱户外运动。 小时候还挺爱爬山的, 大了在城市里住久了就不怎么和大自然打交道了。 这次爬山一路上景色特别美, 2 miles 走的虽然很累, 但是觉得特别值得。就是衣服穿多了点, 鞋子也不怎么好走路。 但是就当运动减肥了, 从山上下来就狠狠的吃上了一顿。 我发现有时候放下生活节奏, 多出去户外走走也是一种享受。 山里的空气异常的好, 风景真是美极了。
在这里雪儿选择了百搭款的高腰牛仔裤和牛仔衫去搭配这次主打的皮草背心。 皮草会显的上身比较臃肿, 所以我一般都喜欢买长款的皮草做为搭配。视觉上可以拉长上半身。 还有需要注意的就是内搭必须是紧身款, 这样也可以让整体视觉上有拉长的效果。最近天气变暖和了好多,春天转眼就要来了。 大家周末想不想去爬山呢? 快约我, 约我啊!