"La La Land"
Location: LACMA, Los Angeles
I can’t even remember the last time I watched the same movie twice in the movie theater. I must admit La La Land won seven Golden Globe for a reason. Not only the soundtrack is absolutely amazing, but also the fashion is seriously on point. Today’s outfit is inspired by few of my favorite looks in the movie wore by Emma Stone, which seamlessly combines both retro and modern take on fashion.
Shirtdress is every vintage-loving girl’s favorite. How can you say no to such a classic and timeless silhouette? Flowy shirtdress in polka dot print paired with velvet pumps make the perfect outfit for Sunday brunch with your girl friends. You can leave it un-belted for a casual chic look, or feeling sophisticated, tie a belt around your waist to create a more pronounced silhouette. For a modern take on this dress wear a pastel coat on top, and for a bit of edge switch to a leather jacket or fur vest instead. Lastly, don’t forget to watch the movie; you’ll for sure thank me later!
最近上映的La La Land爱乐之城,实在是太好看了!作为洛杉矶人,雪儿更是一口气跑去电影院看了两场。很多人说这部电影是写给LA的一封情书,它写出了LA最动人和浪漫的一面。Emma Stone在电影里的每一个复古造型也都那么吸睛, 把古典美发挥得淋漓尽致。雪儿今天这套穿搭的灵感就来自于女主角Mia在电影里的造型。 波点衬衫裙是每个文艺范儿女孩儿的最爱,不但款式经典不过时,而且百搭好穿。雪儿还搭配了一双丝绒高跟鞋和一件浅蓝色外套,这文艺范儿里又增加了几分的时尚感。最后雪儿提醒大家快去看这部电影,不看绝对后悔哦!雪儿太爱这部电影的结局了, it's life!