Into the Wild
Location: Orange County
Runway Detail: Armani Exchange T-shirt, Stylenanda Denim A-line Skirt, Adidas Stan Smith Shoes
Yes, denim skirts are back, but not in the same way as you remember it used to be. With the 70s movement coming back in full force, we’re seeing an emerging trend in button front A-line skirts. This season, the denim version is being spotted everywhere. Every retailer has its own iteration of the A-line skirt, the choices are more than plenty for you to choose from. The particular one I am wearing in the photo is from a Korean Ecommerce site called Stylenanda. You might not have heard of Stylenanda, but I bet you have heard of their cosmetic brand 3CE. Stylenanda is essentially a lifestyle brand that creates a cult of fashion and trend for its customers. The price point is also super friendly with good quality and workmanship. The best thing about this skirt is that it’s so versatile, you can throw on a plain white tshirt or a button down and a pair of sneakers, you’re set to go. Crop top also works magic paired with denim skirts. The key is to keep it simple and let the skirt steal the spotlight.
硬挺材质的牛仔裙又回来啦! 除了往年单一的款式,今年因70年代风格影响, 把前扣A型短裙又抄火啦。 牛仔裙的魅力就是可以帮你塑造翘臀效果, 收紧小肚子。 简单的装饰也可以让你看起来有几分文艺的感觉,随意搭配T恤或者衬衫再加一双百搭的小白鞋就能很吸睛。雪儿选的这条是在韩国品牌Stylenanda 网购的。亲们可能对Stylenanda不太熟悉, 但是一定听过3CE 彩妆吧。3CE是Stylenanda 旗下的彩妆品牌,他们家的口红亲们应该都用过。Stylenanda 首推的是自然清新范儿,网站每天都有更新新货, 可以满足你买到剁手。我在他们家买过几次, 寄到美国如果买满200刀是免运费的。价格换算为美金跟Zara差不多,做工材质也都不错。很多品牌都推出了款式相似的牛仔裙,亲们可要挑到眼花撩乱了。看看雪儿给大家推荐什么吧!
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