Golden Hour
Location: Long Beach
Runway Details: BCBGMAXAZRIA Runway Dress, Balenciaga Heels, Gentle Monster Sunglasses
Summer is right around the corner, for those of whom live on the East Coast, just hang in there a bit longer, humidity is coming for ya! If the color for spring is pastel, then the color for summer is definitely vibrant. As we spotted colorblocking all over the runway, including Victoria Beckham, who rarely wears colors, has incorporated colorblocking into her spring collection earlier last year. These bold brights are good at catching our eyes - and hold our attention. This dress is my (and my mom’s) all time favorite; the colorblocking makes it look contemporary yet feminine with the pleated details. Always remember the one and only fashion bible verse “the higher the hem, the lower the heel”. In reverse, because midi dresses have a tendency to make you look shorter and stumpier, more reason to elongate those legs with a pair of pretty heels. Now you look nothing but well, posh.
随着天气渐渐变热,太过单调的颜色搭配很容易让人乏味。 选择一条色块拼接的过膝裙出去踏踏青, 让你轻松美翻整个夏天。 Victoria Beckham就很喜欢运用色块拼接的元素在自己的设计里面。雪儿穿的这款色块拼接裙可是我妈咪(大潮妈)的大爱,抽象的色块拼接散发出别致的现代感,再加上强烈的色彩对比, 让你更加吸睛哦。一般亚洲人都会避免穿搭橘色系, 因为会显得肤色偏暗沉, 不敢尝试。这款连衣裙虽然色彩艳丽却不突兀,真的是十分有心机哦!百褶裙的设计让你女人味十足, 分分钟你就是气质女神!亲们一定要记住了, 过膝裙最好搭配高跟鞋, 这样可以视觉上帮助身材比例, 拉长你的小腿。 雪儿还要提醒亲们高腰设计也是修饰身材的神器,妈妈再也不用担心我的小蛮腰了!呵呵
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