Pastel Leather

Location: San Diego View Point

Runway Details: Rebecca Minkoff Leather Jacket and Sandal, Banana Republic Dress

Trading in your go-to leather jacket for a summer ready version is the perfect way to transition into the new season. Tired of all black everything?  We’re seeing a wide spectrum of color moto jackets as alternatives to your favorite black. Pastel blue jacket reads more feminine and elegant, which makes a perfect layer piece over a spring/summer dress, accessories like belts can also help to accentuate your waist. You can experiment with jackets that has details such as perforation, zipper, studs or metallic leather to create that sweet yet edgy look, it will definitely bring an element of coolness to any outfit instantly. Don’t forget to complete the look with a pair of chunky heels, I would suggest something neutral to tie together the whole outfit.

帅气的机车皮衣按照常规穿搭, 几乎和甜美的乖乖女们搭不着边儿。但是往年一向是黑灰色地带的机车皮衣也慢慢的净化成了现在最流行的马卡龙色,比如雪儿身上穿的这件天蓝色皮衣。 喜欢名媛范儿的亲们,也可以尝试选择搭配一条浅色系的连衣裙, 有内甜外辣的效果。因为机车皮衣的设计都是简短款, 所以雪儿也会建议用皮带去修饰一下腰身, 分分钟小蛮腰就变没了。喜欢欧美范儿的亲们也可以选择一条带有配饰的皮衣, 比如粗旷的拉链,金属铆钉,或镂空设计, 都是现在最潮的单品。 另一制胜法宝, 就是搭配雪纺材质的长裙或者过膝裙和短靴, 这种穿搭方式也是基本不会出错的。

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